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UNICEF appreciates US government for supporting the republic of Haiti to get covid19 vaccine

Writer's picture: shegzeshegze

The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund UNICEF has sent their appreciation to the United States of America government who supported the republic of Haiti in getting the covid19 vaccine.

Following the report gather the US government supported Haiti with 500,000 doses of COVAX Vaccine

According to the report released by the organisation, it says “There wasn't a single COVID-19 vaccine in Haiti before July. Thanks to a US donation of half a million doses through COVAX, health workers and other priority groups are being vaccinated including Nurse Alabrie Marie.

"Now that I got vaccinated I feel much safer to carry out my job and to protect children and their parents from COVID-19 infection.

“To help health workers everywhere continue their life-saving work for families, wealthy countries must donate doses now.”

UNICEF further pleads to countries who are financially buoyant to see it as a responsibility to help countries who are struggling with their economy.


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