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Trinidad and Tobago Finance Minister rejoices as the Country continues to overcome covid19

The Finance Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Colm Imbert has shown his appreciation towards how God help the country to overcome the high efficacy of the deadly Corona virus

According to Imbert, he said “Despite the challenges posed by the covid19 pandemic, Trinidad and Tobago has made it through.

“On August 10, 2020, one year ago yesterday, in the height of the covid19 pandemic, you returned the PNM to Government for another five-year term.

“The PNM defeated the UNC in last August's general election 22-19.

“It has been a difficult year, he said.

“Revenue has been down and we have had many unplanned expenses. But we have made it through. Thank you TT."

Imbert is also PNM chairman and Diego Martin North/East MP.

Also in his tweet, Imbert disregards claims made by Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar at the UNC's Virtual Forum on Monday about Central Bank Governor Dr Alvin Hilaire being close to the PNM

He said, "The Opposition Leader has recklessly criticized the Central Bank for being too close to the PNM."

Imbert said the Central Bank is responsible for managing interest rates, reserves, money supply, inflation and other things.

" It is doing this well. What does she want instead – Devaluation, a UNC Governor, or Mayhem?"

In a third tweet, Imbert said, "One Opposition MP demands that we stop borrowing and limit expenditure to current revenue, which would put thousands out of jobs. Another MP demands that we increase borrowing and give away money to all and sundry."

He commented, "Totally contradictory. Just like their posture on vaccination."


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