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Messi adhere’s to Club Brugge’s fans plead as he refused to score in his Champions League debut

The former Barcelona talisman Lionel Messi who moved to PSG due to Barcelona financial status harkens to the pleas of the Club Brugge’s fans during his Champions League debut for the club.

According to the picture the fans posted, it says “MESSI HAVE MERCY.”

The six times balon d’or winner is yet to score his first goal outside Barcelona as the Champions League game between PSG and Club Brugge ended in a draw.

PSG who stands to be the most favourite in the Champions League Campaign considering the Caliber of players in the club drops a shocker in the heart of football lovers on Wednesday night following their 1-1 draw.

We look forward to a better result as PSG will be facing Premier League defending Champions Manchester City in their next Champions League game.


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