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Breaking: President of South Africa addressed the nation, to curb the spread of coronavirus

The President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa has addressed the Nation on Tuesday evening base on the high spread of the deadly coronavirus.

The President addressed the nation, to abide with the rules and regulations laid in other to curb the spread of the deadly disease.

According to the statement made by the president Cyril Ramaphosa, he said

“Under Alert Level 3, gatherings are limited to 50 people indoors or 100 people outdoors and the curfew will begin at 10pm.

“The new curfew hours will be from 10pm to 4am.

“Funerals can be attended by no more than 50 people and social distancing needs to be observed. There is a 2-hour limit to funerals and no night vigils or post-funeral gatherings will be allowed.

“Alcohol sales from retail outlets restricted to Monday-Thursday, 10am to 6pm. To observe the 10pm curfew, no on-site consumption is allowed at licensed establishments after 9pm.

“Masks are mandatory in all public spaces to protect yourself and others.

“Everybody is encouraged to avoid crowded spaces, ensure there is adequate ventilation, wear a mask and sanitise hands regularly.

“As part of Phase 2 of the vaccination programme, everyone aged 60 and above is encouraged to register and get vaccinated.

“To date, we have vaccinated close to 480 000 health care workers and close to 1.5 million members of the public aged 60 and above.”

South Africa has been battling with severe effect of the deadly disease which has killed over 50,000 citizens and over 1.7million persons are tested positive of the deadly virus.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has been taking every proper steps to curb the spread of this deadly disease and also plead to the citizens to abide by the rules and regulation laid.


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