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10 men leeds player suffers 3-0 defeat in the hands of Liverpool at Elland road

Writer's picture: shegzeshegze

Liverpool joins the English Premier League top three race after defeating Leeds United at Elland Road today in a 3-0 victory.

The Reds had a smooth victory following an opener from the Egyptian International Mohammed Salah in the 20th minute of the game before a massive strike from Fabinho making it 2-0 in the 50th minute.

Struijk Pascal was sent out of the game after a rough tackle that led to Elliot’s injury.

Mane gave a last minute goal making it 3-0 after a countless effort of having his name recorded on the scoreline of Sunday clash between both side.

Liverpool on 10 point battles for the top position between Chelsea and Manchester United, as English Premier League gets tougher.


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